Integrate Hydra and MLflow to manage and track machine learning experiments.
RunCollection — Represent a collection of MLflow runs.
chdir_artifact — Change the current working directory to the artifact directory of the given run.
get_artifact_dir — Retrieve the artifact directory for the given run.
get_artifact_path — Retrieve the artifact path for the given run and path.
get_hydra_output_dir — Retrieve the Hydra output directory for the given run.
iter_artifact_paths — Iterate over the artifact paths in the root directory.
iter_artifacts_dirs — Iterate over the artifacts directories in the root directory.
iter_experiment_dirs — Iterate over the experiment directories in the root directory.
iter_run_dirs — Iterate over the run directories in the root directory.
list_run_ids — List all run IDs for the specified experiments.
list_run_paths — List all run paths for the specified experiments.
list_runs — List all runs for the specified experiments.
load_config — Load the configuration for a given run.
log_run — Log the parameters from the given configuration object.
main — Decorator for configuring and running MLflow experiments with Hydra.
remove_run — Remove the given run from the MLflow tracking server.
start_run — Start an MLflow run and log parameters using the provided configuration object.
source dataclass RunCollection(_runs: list[Run])
Represent a collection of MLflow runs.
Provide methods to interact with the runs, such as filtering, retrieving specific runs, and accessing run information.
Key Features
- Filtering: Easily filter runs based on various criteria.
- Retrieval: Access specific runs by index or through methods.
- Metadata: Access run metadata and associated information.
info : RunCollectionInfo — An instance of
. -
data : RunCollectionData — An instance of
one — Get the only
instance in the collection. -
try_one — Try to get the only
instance in the collection. -
first — Get the first
instance in the collection. -
try_first — Try to get the first
instance in the collection. -
last — Get the last
instance in the collection. -
try_last — Try to get the last
instance in the collection. -
filter — Filter the
instances based on the provided configuration. -
get — Retrieve a specific
instance based on the provided configuration. -
try_get — Try to get a specific
instance based on the provided configuration. -
get_param_names — Get the parameter names from the runs.
get_param_dict — Get the parameter dictionary from the list of runs.
groupby — Group runs by specified parameter names.
sort — Sort the runs in the collection.
values — Get the values of specified parameters from the runs.
sorted — Sort the runs in the collection by specified parameter names.
source property RunCollection.info: RunCollectionInfo
An instance of RunCollectionInfo
source property RunCollection.data: RunCollectionData
An instance of RunCollectionData
source method RunCollection.one() → Run
Get the only Run
instance in the collection.
Run — The only
instance in the collection.
ValueError — If the collection does not contain exactly one run.
source method RunCollection.try_one() → Run | None
Try to get the only Run
instance in the collection.
Run | None — The only
instance in the collection, or None if the collection does not contain exactly one run.
source method RunCollection.first() → Run
Get the first Run
instance in the collection.
Run — The first
instance in the collection.
ValueError — If the collection is empty.
source method RunCollection.try_first() → Run | None
Try to get the first Run
instance in the collection.
Run | None — The first
instance in the collection, or None if the collection is empty.
source method RunCollection.last() → Run
Get the last Run
instance in the collection.
Run — The last
instance in the collection.
ValueError — If the collection is empty.
source method RunCollection.try_last() → Run | None
Try to get the last Run
instance in the collection.
Run | None — The last
instance in the collection, or None if the collection is empty.
source method RunCollection.filter(config: object | Callable[[Run], bool] | None = None, *, select: list[str] | None = None, overrides: list[str] | None = None, status: str | list[str] | int | list[int] | None = None, **kwargs) → RunCollection
Filter the Run
instances based on the provided configuration.
This method filters the runs in the collection according to the
specified configuration object and additional key-value pairs. The
configuration object and key-value pairs should contain key-value pairs
that correspond to the parameters of the runs. Only the runs that match
all the specified parameters will be included in the returned
The filtering supports
- Exact matches for single values.
- Membership checks for lists of values.
- Range checks for tuples of two values (inclusive of both the lower and upper bound).
- Callable that takes a
object and returns a boolean value.
config : object | Callable[[Run], bool] | None — The configuration object to filter the runs. This can be any object that provides key-value pairs through the
function, or a callable that takes aRun
object and returns a boolean value. -
select : list[str] | None — The list of parameters to select.
overrides : list[str] | None — The list of overrides to filter the runs.
status : str | list[str] | int | list[int] | None — The status of the runs to filter.
**kwargs — Additional key-value pairs to filter the runs.
RunCollection — A new
object containing the filtered runs.
source method RunCollection.get(config: object | Callable[[Run], bool] | None = None, **kwargs) → Run
Retrieve a specific Run
instance based on the provided configuration.
This method filters the runs in the collection according to the
specified configuration object and returns the run that matches the
provided parameters. If no run matches the criteria, or if more than
one run matches the criteria, a ValueError
is raised.
config : object | Callable[[Run], bool] | None — The configuration object to identify the run. This can be any object that provides key-value pairs through the
function, or a callable that takes aRun
object and returns a boolean value. -
**kwargs — Additional key-value pairs to filter the runs.
Run — The
instance that matches the provided configuration.
ValueError — If no run matches the criteria or if more than one run
matches the criteria.
See Also
: Perform the actual filtering logic.
source method RunCollection.try_get(config: object | Callable[[Run], bool] | None = None, **kwargs) → Run | None
Try to get a specific Run
instance based on the provided configuration.
This method filters the runs in the collection according to the
specified configuration object and returns the run that matches the
provided parameters. If no run matches the criteria, None is returned.
If more than one run matches the criteria, a ValueError
is raised.
config : object | Callable[[Run], bool] | None — The configuration object to identify the run. This can be any object that provides key-value pairs through the
function, or a callable that takes aRun
object and returns a boolean value. -
**kwargs — Additional key-value pairs to filter the runs.
Run | None — The
instance that matches the provided configuration, or None if no runs match the criteria.
ValueError — If more than one run matches the criteria.
See Also
: Perform the actual filtering logic.
source method RunCollection.get_param_names() → list[str]
Get the parameter names from the runs.
This method extracts the unique parameter names from the provided list of runs. It iterates through each run and collects the parameter names into a set to ensure uniqueness.
list[str] — A list of unique parameter names.
source method RunCollection.get_param_dict(*, drop_const: bool = False) → dict[str, list[str]]
Get the parameter dictionary from the list of runs.
This method extracts the parameter names and their corresponding values from the provided list of runs. It iterates through each run and collects the parameter values into a dictionary where the keys are parameter names and the values are lists of parameter values.
drop_const : bool — If True, drop the parameter values that are constant across all runs.
dict[str, list[str]] — A dictionary where the keys are parameter names and the values are lists of parameter values.
source method RunCollection.groupby(names: str | list[str]) → dict[str | None | tuple[str | None, ...], RunCollection]
Group runs by specified parameter names.
Group the runs in the collection based on the values of the specified parameters. Each unique combination of parameter values will form a key in the returned dictionary.
names : str | list[str] — The names of the parameters to group by. This can be a single parameter name or multiple names provided as separate arguments or as a list.
dict[str | None | tuple[str | None, ...], RunCollection] — A dictionary where the keys are tuples of parameter values and the values are
objects containing the runs that match those parameter values.
source method RunCollection.sort(*, key: Callable[[Run], Any] | None = None, reverse: bool = False) → None
Sort the runs in the collection.
Sort the runs in the collection according to the provided key function and optional reverse flag.
key : Callable[[Run], Any] | None — A function that takes a run and returns a value to sort by.
reverse : bool — If True, sort in descending order.
source method RunCollection.values(names: str | list[str]) → list[Any]
Get the values of specified parameters from the runs.
names : str | list[str] — The names of the parameters to get the values. This can be a single parameter name or multiple names provided as separate arguments or as a list.
list[Any] — A list of values for the specified parameters.
source method RunCollection.sorted(names: str | list[str], *, reverse: bool = False) → RunCollection
Sort the runs in the collection by specified parameter names.
Sort the runs in the collection based on the values of the specified parameters.
names : str | list[str] — The names of the parameters to sort by. This can be a single parameter name or multiple names provided as separate arguments or as a list.
reverse : bool — If True, sort in descending order.
source chdir_artifact(run: Run | None = None) → Iterator[Path]
Change the current working directory to the artifact directory of the given run.
This context manager changes the current working directory to the artifact directory of the given run. It ensures that the directory is changed back to the original directory after the context is exited.
run : Run | None — The run to get the artifact directory from.
source get_artifact_dir(run: Run | None = None) → Path
Retrieve the artifact directory for the given run.
This function uses MLflow to get the artifact directory for the given run.
run : Run | None — The run object. Defaults to None.
Path — The local path to the directory where the artifacts are downloaded.
source get_artifact_path(run: Run | None, path: str) → Path
Retrieve the artifact path for the given run and path.
This function uses MLflow to get the artifact path for the given run and path.
run : Run | None — The run object. Defaults to None.
path : str — The path to the artifact.
Path — The local path to the artifact.
source get_hydra_output_dir(run: Run | None = None) → Path
Retrieve the Hydra output directory for the given run.
This function returns the Hydra output directory. If no run is provided, it retrieves the output directory from the current Hydra configuration. If a run is provided, it retrieves the artifact path for the run, loads the Hydra configuration from the downloaded artifacts, and returns the output directory specified in that configuration.
run : Run | None — The run object. Defaults to None.
Path — The path to the Hydra output directory.
FileNotFoundError — If the Hydra configuration file is not found in the artifacts.
source iter_artifact_paths(artifact_path: str | Path, experiment_names: str | list[str] | None = None, root_dir: str | Path | None = None) → Iterator[Path]
Iterate over the artifact paths in the root directory.
source iter_artifacts_dirs(experiment_names: str | list[str] | None = None, root_dir: str | Path | None = None) → Iterator[Path]
Iterate over the artifacts directories in the root directory.
source iter_experiment_dirs(experiment_names: str | list[str] | None = None, root_dir: str | Path | None = None) → Iterator[Path]
Iterate over the experiment directories in the root directory.
source iter_run_dirs(experiment_names: str | list[str] | None = None, root_dir: str | Path | None = None) → Iterator[Path]
Iterate over the run directories in the root directory.
source list_run_ids(experiment_names: str | list[str] | None = None) → list[str]
List all run IDs for the specified experiments.
This function retrieves all runs for the given list of experiment names. If no experiment names are provided (None), the function will search all runs for all experiments except the "Default" experiment.
experiment_names : list[str] | None — List of experiment names to search for runs. If None is provided, the function will search all runs for all experiments except the "Default" experiment.
list[str] — A list of run IDs for the specified experiments.
source list_run_paths(experiment_names: str | list[str] | None = None, *other: str) → list[Path]
List all run paths for the specified experiments.
This function retrieves all run paths for the given list of experiment names. If no experiment names are provided (None), the function will search all runs for all experiments except the "Default" experiment.
experiment_names : list[str] | None — List of experiment names to search for runs. If None is provided, the function will search all runs for all experiments except the "Default" experiment.
*other : str — The parts of the run directory to join.
list[Path] — A list of run paths for the specified experiments.
source list_runs(experiment_names: str | list[str] | None = None, n_jobs: int = 0) → RunCollection
List all runs for the specified experiments.
This function retrieves all runs for the given list of experiment names.
If no experiment names are provided (None), the function will search all runs
for all experiments except the "Default" experiment.
The function returns the results as a RunCollection
The returned runs are sorted by their start time in ascending order.
experiment_names : list[str] | None — List of experiment names to search for runs. If None is provided, the function will search all runs for all experiments except the "Default" experiment.
n_jobs : int — The number of jobs to retrieve runs in parallel.
RunCollection — A
instance containing the runs for the specified experiments.
source load_config(run: Run) → DictConfig
Load the configuration for a given run.
This function loads the configuration for the provided Run instance
by downloading the configuration file from the MLflow artifacts and
loading it using OmegaConf. It returns an empty config if
is not found in the run's artifact directory.
run : Run — The Run instance for which to load the configuration.
DictConfig — The loaded configuration as a DictConfig object. Returns an empty DictConfig if the configuration file is not found.
source log_run(config: object | None, *, synchronous: bool | None = None) → Iterator[None]
Log the parameters from the given configuration object.
This context manager logs the parameters from the provided configuration object using MLflow. It also manages the MLflow run context, ensuring that artifacts are logged and the run is properly closed.
config : object — The configuration object to log the parameters from.
synchronous : bool | None — Whether to log the parameters synchronously. Defaults to None.
None — None
with log_run(config):
# Perform operations within the MLflow run context
source main(node: T | type[T], config_name: str = 'config', *, chdir: bool = False, force_new_run: bool = False, match_overrides: bool = False, rerun_finished: bool = False)
Decorator for configuring and running MLflow experiments with Hydra.
This decorator combines Hydra configuration management with MLflow experiment tracking. It automatically handles run deduplication and configuration storage.
node : T | type[T] — Configuration node class or instance defining the structure of the configuration.
config_name : str — Name of the configuration. Defaults to "config".
chdir : bool — If True, changes working directory to the artifact directory of the run. Defaults to False.
force_new_run : bool — If True, always creates a new MLflow run instead of reusing existing ones. Defaults to False.
match_overrides : bool — If True, matches runs based on Hydra CLI overrides instead of full config. Defaults to False.
rerun_finished : bool — If True, allows rerunning completed runs. Defaults to False.
source remove_run(run: Run | Iterable[Run]) → None
Remove the given run from the MLflow tracking server.
source start_run(config: object, *, chdir: bool = False, run_id: str | None = None, experiment_id: str | None = None, run_name: str | None = None, nested: bool = False, parent_run_id: str | None = None, tags: dict[str, str] | None = None, description: str | None = None, log_system_metrics: bool | None = None, synchronous: bool | None = None) → Iterator[Run]
Start an MLflow run and log parameters using the provided configuration object.
This context manager starts an MLflow run and logs parameters using the specified configuration object. It ensures that the run is properly closed after completion.
config : object — The configuration object to log parameters from.
chdir : bool — Whether to change the current working directory to the artifact directory of the current run. Defaults to False.
run_id : str | None — The existing run ID. Defaults to None.
experiment_id : str | None — The experiment ID. Defaults to None.
run_name : str | None — The name of the run. Defaults to None.
nested : bool — Whether to allow nested runs. Defaults to False.
parent_run_id : str | None — The parent run ID. Defaults to None.
tags : dict[str, str] | None — Tags to associate with the run. Defaults to None.
description : str | None — A description of the run. Defaults to None.
log_system_metrics : bool | None — Whether to log system metrics. Defaults to None.
synchronous : bool | None — Whether to log parameters synchronously. Defaults to None.
Run — An MLflow Run object representing the started run.