source module textconf.config
Provide tools for configuration and template-based rendering.
This module defines a base configuration class for text along with functions to locate and render templates using these configurations. It supports dynamic discovery of template methods within classes.
Renderable — Represent a renderable class.
BaseConfig — Represent a base configuration for text.
source dataclass Renderable()
Bases : ABC
Represent a renderable class.
source classmethod Renderable.context(cfg: Self) → dict[str, Any]
Get the context for rendering.
source classmethod Renderable.render(cfg: Self, *args, **kwargs) → str
Render the given configuration and return a string.
source dataclass BaseConfig(template: str = '')
Bases : Renderable
Represent a base configuration for text.
This class provides a structure for storing configuration parameters and methods for updating and rendering text based on templates.
template : str | Path — The name or path of the template file.
set_environment — Set the environment for the
. -
render — Render text from the specified configuration.
source classmethod BaseConfig.set_environment(env: Environment) → None
Set the environment for the Template
source classmethod BaseConfig.render(cfg: Self, *args: dict[str, Any] | list[str], **kwargs) → str
Render text from the specified configuration.
This method locates the template file, updates the configuration, and renders the text using the template and additional keyword arguments provided. It supports dynamic template methods defined in the class.
cfg : Self — The configuration instance to render the text from.
*args : dict[str, Any] | list[str] — Additional positional arguments to include in the template context.
**kwargs — Additional keyword arguments to pass to the template rendering.
str — The rendered text as a string.
FileNotFoundError — If the template file does not exist in any of the searched directories.